Casting in the office
Duration: 9:59
Views: 177
Submitted: 12 months ago
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When we asked 20 year old Serenity for her wildest sex story and basically got a blank stare, we knew her quest for new experiences was legit. That being said, she has a lesbian girlfriend and has already done a threesome, so at least she's on the right track. She prefers lesbian porn, so we pretty much know where her head is at. Not the retail type, she raises reptiles (not kidding!) and has a love of snakes, which probably explains why she was so into Vince's slithering cock. Despite the fact that even though she likes blowjobs and doesn't swallow and is a no on the anal thing, we couldn't help but like her enthusiastic attitude. When it was time to ditch her clothes and spread her legs, she was all in. Thing is, you don't get in the jizz-bizz without being able to follow directions, so when her first taste of Vince was his asshole, she had to think it over, but in the end she gave him a terrific rimjob. Once she gets some cock in her tight wet pussy, we see the kinkier side as she takes a hard pounding and gets into it. When it's time to get on her knees for Vince's load, it was no problem except she made him promise not to cum in her face. Sure, we promise, not! Cue massive facial for the newbie, welcome to the biz! We have to admit she was a good sport, so if we need a lesbian we know where to go, but for now it's back to her lizards.
natural {tits}
new girl
on couch
white girl
backroom casting couch
sierra moon
over 20 min
horizontal {media}
from creator
natural tits
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Backroom Casting Couch
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