DADDY4K - Man Sold Girlfriends Pussy To Stepdad Because He Needs Money
Duration: 10:17
Views: 399
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Joe and Lylyta Yung are a young couple going through a rough patch. They don’t have money, but there’s a lot of affection between the two. Today, they were meeting Joe’s father: the guy wanted to introduce his new GF to him… and ask for some money as well. The father was a very successful business so he refused to beat around the bush. The second he entered his son’s house, he blurted out: - I’m fed up with your shit, you little asshole! If you can’t make money, your girlfriend will make money for you! The dad handed Joe a wad of cash and pointed to his crotch after locking eyes with Lylyta. The couple was taken aback by this kind of behavior, but the money turned out to be more important than their dignity. Within seconds, the daddy was moaning in pleasure, Lylyta was sucking on that old cock, and Joe was just sitting there slack-jawed, totally helpless, clinging to his father’s latest handout….
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Lylyta Yung
Daddy 4K
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