Unexpected Threesome With
Duration: 3:09
Views: 520
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Johnny Love arrives home with his girlfriend, Camila Cortez. As they walk in the house, they bump into Johnny's step mom, Jenifer White, and this is where everything changes. Camila is instantly attracted to his step mom, so much so that when she goes in for a hug, she decides to squeeze Jennifer's ass. Jennifer is faltered by this, so later that day she goes over to Johnny's bedroom and slowly opens the door. Inside Johnny and Camila are making out. Without him noticing, Jennifer flashes Camila and calls her over. Camila makes a quick excuse and exits the room. Only to head over to Jennifer's bedroom and they start to have some fun. Eventually, Johnny sets out to look for his girlfriend only to find her down in between his step mom legs. He's shocked at first, but that quickly changes when they proposition a threesome. From there, the real fun begins. Johnny penetrates his step mom and his girl friend in several different positions. Making both of them cum multiple times. Finally it all culminates with a huge load on both of their faces.
reverse cowgirl
big tits
big dick
perfect ass
long hair
big ass
Jennifer White
Camila Cortez
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