Young Lindsey casting
Duration: 9:52
Views: 165
Submitted: 11 months ago
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Lindsey walks in while I'm setting up the cameras. A shady office at night time, tiny cameras - doesn't look like a big time producer to her. Her attitude is accordingly... ahem... muted during the interview. She hesitates for just a moment before taking off her clothes. I let her know that I don't refer models who ask a bunch of questions during the demo tape process. She counts other people's money for a living and she's got the taste for green, so she stays. She hesitates one more time when I tell her she needs to suck my cock for this audition to continue. And down she goes. That's where Lindsey makes a 180 and turns into one enthusiastic cock sucker, and she lets her guard down enough to cum when I return the oral favor. She said she likes it rough and that stuck with me so I cut the vanilla sex short and ask her if she's ready for anal. No hesitation. Zero. Lindsey is born to be assfucked, she loves it. I pretend she hasn't quite shown her willingness to go the extra mile so I make her fist herself ("No!" "No!" "Well, okay"...). That's all I need to finish up. She said she swallows and I put that to the test. It's true. A bit more cum than she expected but whatevs. If she can keep up that attitude right from the beginning, Lindsey could actually get somewhere in porn. Maybe in another life.
office girl
on table
teen sex
white girl
anal fingering
backroom casting couch
close-up pussy
over 20 min
horizontal {media}
from creator
horizontal media
Backroom Casting Couch
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