18 year old Jenna wants to be a Pornstar
Duration: 9:58
Views: 104
Submitted: 11 months ago
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October is a great month for the young ones. They finish that endless Summer after graduating and their friends go off to college, but some don't... 18 year old Jenna's parents want her to pursue a career that she loves. She loves to fuck and claims that her nipples are orgasmic, and I have to admit that they truly are amazing. Jenna plays with herself throughout the video and when she climaxes while I'm fucking her... well... It's just too much for me to handle so I let the jizz fly deep inside her. No worries for you oral guys though. Watch her dig some out of her pussy with her finger and lick it clean. In the end, I don't know if she's more excited about the prospect of all the calls she (won't) get for work or that she can't wait to see the movie she just made.
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