Busty ebony casting
Duration: 9:52
Views: 119
Submitted: 12 months ago
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21 year old college scholar Nikki spends a lot of time at the gym, and it shows. That ass...OMG. And yes, those chocolate buns get a good fucking, much to Nikki's dismay. This do-all, free spirited tornado thinks getting into the porn business would just be all "fun and exciting" and I feel it's my duty to show her that it can be, in fact, a pain in the ass. Literally. I recommend you pick up a couple of protein shakes and take advantage of that gym membership that's been draining your bank account for years. Why? Because girls lately, including Nikki, can't keep their hands off my muscles, they clearly enjoy the fucking more, and my cum load is ridiculously huge now (I cum twice in a row like I was able to a few years back...you'll remember when you see it). Clearly, some muscles on a guy and the resulting extra vigor just opens a lot of doors (and pussies and asses) with the hotter girls. Fight the "dad bod"!
college girl
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over 20 min
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Backroom Casting Couch
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