Skinny teen Riley casting
Duration: 9:52
Views: 128
Submitted: 11 months ago
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It's like the fricken Jerry Springer show in here - tiny 19 year old Riley wants to get into porn mainly because her sister is already a pornstar. What better way to escalate sibling rivalry than to brag about who sucked more cocks at work that day, right? She's also attending nursing school. It's good to have a backup plan that doesn't involve cleaning up bodily fluids. Oh, wait... It didn't even matter what bullshit I told her, little Miss Sunshine just wants to outearn and outdo her big sis, and for that she's willing to do anything. I think she was ready to blow me before I was. We joke around about her petite frame and she says something along the lines of 'throwing her around' during sex because she's such a feather weight. I do just that, too. Riley does and says all the right things, and she works extra hard to impress the "producers" who I told her would watch this demo tape. (HR hiring managers at hospitals are more likely, but shhhh!) Hell, this one might just go on and do some real porn work in the future, but for now I'm afraid her sister is going to be the only one able to pay her phone bill by fucking on camera.
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Backroom Casting Couch
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