Flexible MILF backroom casting hardcore sex
Duration: 10:00
Views: 416
Submitted: 12 months ago
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When Dane tells us she cums from anal, I knew this casting would be an assfucking extravaganza. I didn't expect it to be THAT awesome though. The night before I rescued this now ex-stripper after her club fired her. After listening to her crazy gangbang and submissive sex stories (she'll repeat some of them here, don't worry), I told her to come audition for me for a chance to make $1000 to $5000 per day. Like any good, desperate, self-loathing girl, she jumps on the opportunity. Dane starts off proving her love for anal by shoving two fingers in her ass for her masturbation demo. After one of the most incredible blowjobs in my life, and some rug sampling, I take Dane's pussy for a test drive. I lift the 5'2 spinner up in the air and it's all fun but really, I can't wait to get in that ass. INCREDIBLE! Let's just say this crazy girl wasn't lying about loving anal. Dane is one of the most sexually enthusiastic and kinky girls of all time. "A star is born"...is what I would say if I had any intentions of giving her the job.
natural {tits}
new girl
on couch
on table
white girl
from behind
backroom casting couch
over 20 min
horizontal {media}
from creator
natural tits
horizontal media
Backroom Casting Couch
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