Italian-Egyptin eye-candy
Duration: 9:59
Views: 278
Submitted: 11 months ago
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Stella has had 1 (ONE!) man in her life before - her ex-boyfriend. Apparently those two fucked each other into boredom and now this stunner is looking to express her sexually (read: drop the good girl act) on camera for a living. Quiet, submissive and willing to please, Stella's experience with girls is also restricted to having had sex with her best friend (oh girls and their sexy friendships, right?). Despite all that, the way she explains it to Agent Jake during her interview is boner-inducing. Just listen to that voice! Despite the surprising lack of sexual activity at 20, she still claims to have learned everything she needs to know from her long term relationship. Watch to find out if that's true. Hard to accurately judge her skills, with a face like that she could just stand around and still get a 10. Agent Jake is a bit more blunt and gives her a nine, mostly because she refused anal. Considering she's practically a virgin, and only had one disastrous anal experience, that's understandable. You know an audition went well when the girl compliments the agent on his dick. I'm sure Coneym*** can make a better description for this babe but that's my 2 cents on this one.
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Backroom Casting Couch
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