My ass cheeks my rear glamour
Duration: 9:56
Views: 165
Submitted: 11 months ago
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If you do nothing else this week, fast forward to about 25:15 of teen Yasmine's video. Right now. Enjoy what will be the best 5 minutes of your week. Our 19 year old, ultra-curvy personal trainer gets herself off multiple times after I fill up her teen pussy with my cum, she squirts, my jizz and her pussy juices are everywhere, her orgasm face is glorious... and you really just need to fucking watch it right now. Ok, trying to stay calm but man, this is hot! Once that's out of the way, wipe off and then enjoy the rest of Yasmine from the beginning. If you're like me, you'll cum again when Yasmine tells us about her gangbangs and one night stands (and oddly contrarian confession about wanting to get into porn in order to become an even more experienced fuck toy!), orgasms when I eat her out, sucks me off like the cherubic cock angel she is, takes it in the ass and loves it, cums again, does ass to mouth, gets the creampie, and so on. In summary: If Yasmine's incredible video doesn't get you off as many times as she does, I have no hope for you.
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