Pretty much locks herself into doing anal
Duration: 9:59
Views: 181
Submitted: 12 months ago
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Agent Jake knows he's dealing with a sure thing when our pretty Latina waitress flat-out says "I like licking balls", and admits to having booty calls to satisfy her urges. This pretty young mommy with conservative dress and upbringing has a surprisingly naughty side. She just needs to learn when to shut up. Marisol pretty much locks herself into doing anal when she admits to having done butt seks before a few times and liking it once. ONCE? Challenge accepted, mamacita, Jake thinks. The super close up of her face as Jake is dicking that balloon knot, and put side by side in split screen should make any painal-fan happy. Painal because Marisol hasn't ever had a dick nearly as big as Jake's before, especially not in her ass. Despite that cramped little temporary office, Jake's camera work is excellent throughout Marisol's 'demo tape', whether she's sucking his cock and balls, he fucks her in missionary or doggy on the desk, or the intense anal on the couch. Jake pulls out of her ass, shoves his dick back in her mouth and makes Marisol suck and stroke him until he unloads a huge cum load in her mouth. Catch Marisol finger a big wad of Jake Jizz out of her mouth and drop it on the floor while he's not looking. Sneaky little anal mommy, that Marisol.
new girl
on couch
backroom casting couch
over 20 min
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Backroom Casting Couch
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