Ass treatment
Duration: 9:56
Views: 163
Submitted: 12 months ago
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22 year old stripper Michelle wants to earn more than those dollar bill- slinging old guys at her "work" give her each night. Plus she's an exhibitionist, and kinky, so there. Despite admitting to having had threeways, Michelle claims to have never had anal sex before. A stripper not getting boinked in the ass by customers for some side money? Bullshit! For this blatant lie she's getting the Straight-to-the-Ass treatment. In this case it means Michelle's vag isn't going to get a nice warmup or anything, it's almost all- anal sex-only immediately after her cock sucking demo. Since she's about five feet tiny and Jake's cock is quite a bit above average, this turns out into about the closest ass-related massacre on the casting couch in recent memory. And turns out she indeed WAS an anal virgin. The genuine PAINAL faces and the fact that she had no idea how this butt seks thing would work is prove for that. And Michelle is grossed out in a way only assfuck-virgins react. How can a stripper not have had anal sex? She's 22 and has been showing her tits and ass to customers for 4 years. This girl lives stripping. And we all know how strippers make some extra money on the side. But in Michelle's case it appears she sticks strictly to showing off those pancake tits and stretch-marked belly at the club. This is the ultimate update for first-time-anal / painal fans. Michelle's facial expressions when she is getting her first anal are amazing and so real, you almost feel bad for her. But the highlight might just be when Evil Agent Jake fucks her pussy - which she loves - and right before she cum, he takes out his cock and shoves it right back in her asshole, where he unloads a sweet load of Jake Jizz. That ambush anal creampie is replayed so you get the full visceral experience - Jake's pumping cock, Michelle's shocked face, and the surprisingly clean cum slowly flowing out of Michelle's pulsating asshole. Michelle wanted to make more money, while having sex,and faster than she could ever do stripping. We can help her with the last 2 today but the money thing ain't happening. She can barely hold herself together when Jake tells her this "audition" isn't paid. But like most strippers she keeps dreaming of making piles of cash the easy way. Good morning, Michelle. Let us introduce you to real world: nothing in life comes free or easy (except Jake's sex life, of course).
butt plug
on couch
black girl
backroom casting couch
over 20 min
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Backroom Casting Couch
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