22 yo Asian nursing assistant
Duration: 10:00
Views: 202
Submitted: 12 months ago
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Ok, first few minutes you look at 22 yo Asian nursing assistant Mina and think "what's wrong with her eye and animated facial expressions?". You'll go like "eh, great body, great attitude, funny, but....". 5 minutes later you're wanking yourself into a coma, and when you've recovered, you're fapping your hands off again because stuff gets so incredibly hot between Mina and walking hard-on Jake. Our 5 foot Asian spinner prefers traditional gender roles, had only a few sex partners and is quite a bit smarter and composed than most ladies whose asses grace my couch. And speaking of ass, Agent Jake's trouser snake taps petite Mina's ass over and over again, interrupted only by making her suck his dick without cleaning up first. Ass to Mouth (ATM) - several times. There is almost no vagy boink boink in Mina's casting. You'd think Jake would rip a tiny woman like that apart just fucking her old skool, but no, it had to be all-anal. Evil man. It does make for one of the greatest anal castings of all time. Those animated facial expressions during her interview make for very visceral anal/painal moments - you can absolutely read Mina's thoughts throughout the entire thing. Mina is pretty much mandatory if you like a) petite Asians, b) anal, 3) blowjob so good, Jake comes back for more and more, d) painal 5) one of the hugest cum facials in BRCC history, and e) everything together. Really, this one's pretty damn amazing. Jake did a phenomenal work with our Anal Asian, the cams, and by not bursting out laughing when he tells Mina that she won't get paid today. That face of hers - priceless.
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pussy spreading
asian girl
backroom casting couch
over 20 min
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Backroom Casting Couch
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