Sad Song with nothing to say
Duration: 9:52
Views: 190
Submitted: 11 months ago
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Vet tech and cat-lady-in-training Song loves animals, monogamous relationships, and anal! A good girl from a strict Asian family, Song has had only 2 men in her life, and has been playing it safe all her life. This is about to change as she is about to embark into the world of adult entertainment in hopes of "exploring her sexuality", as she puts it. When she says she did a lot of anal with her ex-bf and enjoyed it, Agent Jake (and let's face it - we all) have one single focus: get that dick into that ass, ASAP. After mustering the discipline to let her play with toys first (she orgasms!), some ass plug play, and the usual BJ and pussy pounding, we finally get - spoiler alert - some sweet Asian Anal going in the office. After thoroughly pounding Song's ass in doggy, he makes her suck his dick (straight from her ass) until he explodes all over her face. Fair to say that's some real ass-to-mouth, yes? Song isn't happy when she learns that today's audition isn't paid. But hey, she got to explore her sexuality and learned a valuable lesson about getting payment details in writing BEFORE letting a stranger fuck her ass on camera.
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Backroom Casting Couch
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