Barely legal teen does porn
Duration: 9:59
Views: 187
Submitted: 11 months ago
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18 year old fast food worker Arianna enjoys porn featuring old men and young women, and admits she might actually be into girls but isn't sure. She's also not so sure about the getting-naked part in her audition. Or masturbating with toys. Or eating Vince's ass. Or doing ass-to-mouth. We manage to talk her into some of it, but for some she stands her ground. For being barely legal, Arianna is pretty good at drawing the line. Still, despite her hesitation and boundary setting, our blonde, blue-eyed teen gets her delicious ass fucked until Vince busts his nut inside her Hershey highway, all for those modeling jobs that don't actually exist. She confesses that today she got the best sex she's ever had, so the whole ordeal wasn't a total loss for her. Great job, Vince!
natural {tits}
new girl
on couch
spreading legs
white girl
backroom casting couch
over 20 min
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from creator
natural tits
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Backroom Casting Couch
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