18 years old Lexus Love
Duration: 18:24
Views: 193
Submitted: 12 months ago
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Sweet little Lexus is an 18 years old waitress who’s here for her shot at fame and fortune. She's cute, petite, ready and willing, but it’s almost like she really has no idea what's going on. She’s so hesitant and reserved that she kinda reminds me of a deer frozen in headlights. Even when we're talking about sex and her history, she never seems to really open up to us. We barely get the tip of the iceberg of her story as she seems just so leery of the whole operation. She really is nice enough and I suppose if I were in a similar situation I’d be pretty on guard too. Also, it's smart of her to be reluctant, because I’m about to put her through the ringer! Once I get my cock out of my pants and in her mouth she brightens up a bit. She really is a cute little thing. She complies when I put her on the desk and fuck her while she’s still wearing the butt plug, which is also her first time doing such a thing, She’s a great little fuck.
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Lexus Love
Backroom Casting Couch
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