At the ripe old age of 22
Duration: 10:00
Views: 340
Submitted: 12 months ago
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For a girl who makes her living parading around naked in front of strangers, Amber is oddly shy and awkward about the whole casting thing. She's a smart-ass and pretty funny. At the ripe old age of 22, our blonde, blue-eyed Norwegian is already a hardened stripper with 4 years of "dancing" under her belt (yet somehow supposedly has never masturbated with sex toys... or had anal sex!). Someone who starts taking off her clothes for money at 18 tends to make pretty bad choices in general, so it's no surprise she's planted her pretty ass on our couch today, hoping for those easy money porn jobs. The only surprising thing about this is that it took her so long. About that ass - yes it gets tapped. Considering how badly the anal plug warm-up went, it's a surprise how well Amber takes Vince's dick in her ass. Still, painal lovers will certainly not be disappointed with this one. Amber will probably not be auditioning anywhere else anytime soon. The not getting paid part isn't even her biggest problem. It's that Vince cums inside her without telling her first. And guess what, our genius here isn't on any type of birth control, and she's rightfully freaked out a little. If you wonder why a stripper and pornstar hopeful is not on birth control, listen to her explanation at the end. WARNING: Amber happens to start her period riiiiiiight when Vince finishes up inside her. So the resulting creampie is quite red-tinged. If you're squeamish about that sort of thing, skip that part. Between the anal and the ambush creampie, at the end Amber confesses she was about to punch Vince. Now that actually probably would have been the least awkward thing about this audition.
new girl
on couch
white girl
backroom casting couch
over 20 min
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Backroom Casting Couch
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