Casting new sweety Aria
Duration: 9:58
Views: 248
Submitted: 12 months ago
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18 year old fast food worker Aria looks so young, I check her IDs before we even talk about sex. Once I confirm this adorable sweet heart is indeed legal, we learn that Aria is a kinky porn fan and she realized she is into being a submissive but isn't getting the proper treatment from guys in real life. So maybe porn dudes can "manhandle" her properly? After making her strip and putting a butt plug in her tight little ass, we let Mr Vince show her what a well-trained professional sex-haver can do to get a girl off. Not to ruin the surprise but let's just say after her casting, Aria is now an anal convert. She'll need to get that rough ass fucking from one of her fellow burger flippers though because even though she's just 18, adorable and kinky, "there is no job" still holds true, even for Aria.
backroom casting couch
over 20 min
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Backroom Casting Couch
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