Casting skinny amateur Layla
Duration: 9:59
Views: 164
Submitted: 12 months ago
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Super hot 19 year old redhead Layla is getting a cum ambush today. Is that a thing? Well, today it is - I had a feeling Vince is going to manage squeezing out 2 loads of jizz with this super hottie, and I was right. I let him cum inside her pussy (creampie) and then jizz again over her face and braces. I'm not surprised he was able to cum twice. I was surprised he didn't jizz in his pants the second he met Layla. He already has a boner when he brings her in from outside the office. And what a hot little number she is. She's dressed nicely, has those sexy glasses, great makeup, and a certain poise that's unusual for girls her age. Layla has done pageant modeling but nothing sexual on camera. In fact, she's (supposedly) only been with 3 guys in her life. Her ambition in life is to become a veterinarian, and she is currently in school and working off her loans by waitressing. Getting into porn would be her way to increase her self-confidence. (Yes, ladies and jellyspoons, even girls looking like THAT need their egos boosted). She's well-spoken, polite, nice, and filthy when it counts. So she's pretty much perfect. When she says "spitters are quitters", and lets Vince fuck her teen ass, we know we have a new Top 10 girl for the year. Enjoy!
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