Raquel Reed 2018 New Orleans Burlesque Festival QUEEN STEP DOWN
Duration: 6:05
Views: 613
Submitted: 1 year ago
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The Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival is an international burlesque festival, known for crowning the top classic striptease dancer as the “Queen of Burlesque.” The festival assembles the most glamorous and eye-popping burlesque dancers in the world to perform over three nights in sultry New Orleans. Comic emcees, singers, and variety acts flesh out the shows to provide the most entertaining, classy, and risqué showcases you’ll ever see. The festival celebrates this classic form of adult entertainment that made Bourbon Street famous worldwide!
2018 NOLA Burlesque Festival - Queen of Burlesque
Queen of Burlesque at the Civic Theatre in New Orleans, Louisiana on September 22, 2018. The show was part of the 10th Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival.
2018 NOLA Burlesque Festival - Queen of Burlesque
Queen of Burlesque at the Civic Theatre in New Orleans, Louisiana on September 22, 2018. The show was part of the 10th Annual New Orleans Burlesque Festival.
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