DADDY4K - The best wedding gift? Daddy-in-law’s hard dick
Duration: 10:40
Views: 862
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Jenny knows what it feels like to be on cloud nine because today is her wedding day. She dreamed about it for a long time, she kept imagining it over and over again. She’s happy, but something feels off, there’s something that... Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was her groom’s father, Ken. He wanted to congratulate the her and have a little heart-to-heart. Jenny ended up confessing about getting cold feet... They stared into each other’s eyes, it felt surreal, almost like a dream… The father of the groom leaned in and started kissing her. His hands caressed her naked body, making Jenny wet. He helped her out of her panties and started licking her pussy. Now Jenny could forget all about her anxiety and just live in the moment. She grabbed daddy by the dick and landed her firm booty on it. They both were ecstatic, when suddenly there was another knock on the door... A mere second passes and the door opens. It was Ken’s son, her future husband. He was livid.
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Daddy 4K
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