REALITY KINGS - Big Bana-Turals With Josephine Jackson & Tina Fire On PORNCOMP
Duration: 7:59
Views: 18K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Nick Ross and his hot girlfriend, Tina Fire, are relaxing on the couch watching some TV. Tina's busty, slutty roommate, Josephine Jackson, strolls in and gets Nick's attention by sliding a banana between her big natural tits! Josephine seductively sucks it, then takes her clothes off and leads Nick to the bathroom, where he finds her playing with her pussy. Josephine sucks him and takes his dick doggystyle, but meanwhile Tina's getting horny and rubbing herself, then goes to find Nick! As Nick is fucking his gf's mouth, Josephine comes out to join the fun, and soon the busty girls are concentrating on each other as they 69 and scissor on the couch. Nick joins in to give these horny, big-titted sluts some more hard dick!
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position 69
Reality Kings
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