BLUE PILL MEN - Young Stacie Gets Schooled By Three Horny Old Men
Duration: 12:01
Views: 749
Submitted: 1 year ago
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If you can say anything about Frankie, he is resourceful. Hes come up with a majority of the sexy ladies for this project, and Stacie is his newest find. Stacie is a blonde cutie in her first year of college. That means she is broke, far from home, and ready to experiment. The guys have money, can keep her company, and have plenty of experience to share. Stacie is eighteen and has only had one boyfriend, she got a few more this day. Frankie thought it would be best to start Stacie off with a moderately sized dildo. She had never seen one before in real life. She really seemed to like it, so it was time for Duke to give her the real thing. Stacie has a nice curvy soft body with round perky tits. It's fun to watch them bounce while she's riding old man cock. She seemed to have a good time and was very receptive to old man guidance, even when she had a face full of cum.
Blue Pill Men
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