DADDY4K - Fat Man Instead Of Cooking Fucks Son's Girlfriend In Kitchen
Duration: 10:28
Views: 188
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Jenny and her boyfriend Jack came to visit his father. They were planning to cook dinner together and get to know each other. Jack’s father met them at the door and it was clear that he liked Jenny from first sight. He liked her cute face and gorgeous body. Jenny also liked her boyfriend's father, because he was kinda cute and shared her passion for cooking. Then it turned out that Jack forgot to buy olive oil, so he left for the shop to do that. His dad and Jenny were left alone and started cooking, and they couldn't deny the chemistry between them. Dad spilled the flour all over Jenny’s dress, so he wanted to clean it up and show her his secret ingredient. She couldn’t resist it and they started kissing and making love... But Jack turned back from the shop earlier than expected and their little secret was uncovered.
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