BLUE PILL MEN - Old Man Roger Is Turning 68, So We Got Him Barista Akira Shell For His Bday
Duration: 12:00
Views: 178
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Hello everyone, Johnny once again here. We’ve been having a great time here. More and more fun with each upload. Now days we try to make anything and everything into the next new movie to put up on our web site. When our friend’s Roger birthday was approaching we concocted a little surprise for him. This way, our friend can have a great time and we’d film our next movie at the same time. Our friend Roger was turning 68. The surprise was to get him his favorite attendant from the coffee shop that he frequents, Tracy, to do anything he wanted for the day. According to Tracy, he’s always been nice and respectful to her. She was more than happy to give him the surprise of his life. Every Tuesday afternoon we meet to play some poker. This time, we snuck Tracy in before Roger’s arrival. We instructed Tracy to come out of her hiding place at a specific time. So when the time came, she walked out carrying Roger’s birthday cake and wearing nothing but her coffee shop’s apron and hat ( as we asked her to.) For his birthday she would do anything he wanted. Roger started off requesting a lap dance, and little by little things got more heated. We ended up being the ones eating his cake while he enjoyed some pie. This was a surprise that He won’t soon forget. If ever. —Johnny
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akira shell
Akira Shell
Blue Pill Men
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