BLUE PILL MEN - Young Kenzie Green Gets Fucked By A Couple Of Dirty Old Men
Duration: 10:00
Views: 972
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Frankie here, you son's of bitches! I know many of you old bastards wish you were in my shoes, but you can live vicariously through me. That should work. Any who! We have a new friend joining us on this adventure today. Welcome Duke everyone! He tagged along with us to go see an escort we met online. Seems a bit sketchy but we are old horny men trying to bust a nut. Hopefully this isn't a set up. If not, you motherfuckers better have our bail money. We had a sexy blonde join us in the hot tub for some steamy action. Man oh man, she had a nice big ass for a white girl. She sucked my dick real good, she made me busted a nut before I could get any pussy action, but Glenn and the new guy, Duke took her into the better to finish off what I started. Duke bent her over and fucked that slut real good, while she sucked Glenn's dick. Duke seems like a real pro. He had this broad screaming with a mouth full of dick. Then she took those huge loads. Wow, what a crazy day!
blue pill men
old men
big ass
kenzie green
Aaliyah Hadid
Kenzie Green
Blue Pill Men
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