Don't Fuck My Daughter - Horny Daughter Charlotte Cross Gets Plumber To Clean Her Pipes
Duration: 12:00
Views: 209
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Charlotte had seen her dad’s buddy Dick from time to time. He was here at the house a few weeks ago fixing some plumbing problems. Dirty thoughts about Dick had been racing through her head ever since. Charlotte decided instead of waiting for an opportunity to knock, she was going to kick the door down. She knew Dick would head towards the other bathroom and when he peeked in, he was in for a show. His buddy’s young, vibrant, daughter, willing let him watch her undress. Dick tried to be a good friend, but pussy is a powerful drug. Dick went back for seconds and he got caught. This was all the excuse Charlotte needed to do whatever she wanted with Dick’s dick. She started sucking him off right there in the hallway. Her father was oblivious at the kitchen table with his back to them. Things became heated and Charlotte needed some of that dick, and she took Dick into the bedroom for it. Dick cleaned out some plumping this day.
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Charlotte Cross
Dont Fuck My Daughter
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