Don't Fuck My Daughter - Teen Slut Lexy Bandera Gets Her Pipes Cleaned By Plumber
Duration: 11:28
Views: 257
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Juan got a call from his buddy Harry about the bathroom pipes he fixed last week. Seems like they are leaking again. Juan is a good friend, so he drops what he’s doing and heads on over to Harry’s place. Harry trust Juan to fix the problem and leaves him to it. What Harry forgot to mention is that his sweet and innocent daughter, Lexy, was also around the house. Juan was in for quite the shock when he entered the bathroom to fix the pipes. Wowzers! A beautiful, naked, daughter, who just happens to get horny when taking baths. Now Juan tried to be a good guy. He wanted no part of walking in on his friend's daughter, but there’s no escaping Lexy’s devilish charms. Juan gets balls deep in that pussy quick. Even Harry showing up to inspect Juan working doesn’t slow him down from having his cock in one of Lexy’s holes. Now all this daughter fucking is hot as hell, but Lexy is a real freak. She needs more excitement. Getting caught fucking her dad’s friend in the bathroom by her father just isn't enough. While Lexy is riding Juan, she just casually asks him if he wants to stick it in her ass. Juan uses his massive cock to spread Lexy’s backdoor open nice and wide. Juan proceeds to pound Lexy's butthole like his cock was a hammer and her ass was a nail. After Juan leaves his man jam dripping off Lexy’s face, he reiterates the importance of not letting her father find out. The consequences could be lethal. Guess who walks in at that moment. Well, at least Juan said there was no charge for the work he did.
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Lexy Bandera
Dont Fuck My Daughter
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