DADDY4K - Quarrel With Bf Motivates Redhead To Seduce Guy's Rich Daddy
Duration: 10:28
Views: 220
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Debby is a hottie... She has beautiful red hair and gorgeous eyes, amazing legs and body. It’s a shame that a beauty like that is constantly bickering with her boyfriend. As fate would have it, she had one of those arguments on the way to her boyfriend’s dad. Things got heated that day and Debby was pushed out of the car by her boyfriend, right in front of his dad’s house. An older guy emerged from the house, attracted by the commotion. It was Bill, her boyfriend’s father. He tried to calm the girl down. He came off as such a strong and level-headed man, he said so many nice things to her. At that moment, Debby felt real affection, she felt desired and taken care of, so she decided to make a move on Bill. She inched closer to Bill and gave him a passionate kiss. After that, Debby helped him free his stiff manhood – she caressed it, she took it in her warm mouth… Right there and then, she thought about her unhinged boyfriend and smirked to herself, savoring that sweet taste of revenge.
Jillian Janson
Daddy 4K
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