BRAZZERS - Lauren Pixie's Intentional Cameltoe On PORNCOMP
Duration: 8:00
Views: 185
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Xander Corvus' girlfriend drags him to a fitness class run by the drop-dead gorgeous blonde Lauren Pixie, whose tight leggings leave little to the imagination, her sweet pussy lips poking through the near-transparent fabric. After getting one look at their hot instructor Xander suddenly seems a lot more interested in getting into shape, but his girlfriend doesn't seem nearly as motivated anymore, annoyed by the flirtatious Lauren and her perfect body. Xander's girlfriend quickly ditches the class, leaving him alone with Lauren, who seizes the opportunity to get up and close and personal with her new student! Lauren takes a more hands-on approach to her training routine, teasing and tempting Xander, soon grinding her cameltoe over his face before Xander tears apart her leggings and pounds her wet pussy with his big cock!
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