METARTX - Red Flavor On PORNCOMP With Sarika
Duration: 9:51
Views: 290
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Sexy Sarika A looks the epitome of cute with her long blonde hair in pigtails, clad in a short red skirt, white top and knee length socks. The Latvian sex kitten is all smiles as she tugs at her clothes, giving brief, tantalizing glimpses of her ample breasts, hairy pussy, and silky smooth ass. Evidently obsessed with her pussy, she tugs and stretches it wide, and frigs it hard and deep ? moaning loudly with delight as she does so. She takes it to a whole new sexual level though, when she spit-lubes a speculum and gently slides it inside her pussy, allowing a magnificent, gynecological view of her sweet, inner pinkness. With her pussy splayed wide open, Sarika strums her clit frantically until her body trembles uncontrollably and she orgasms hard.
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