ALSSCAN - Sybian Fun With Kacey Jordan On PORNCOMP
Duration: 12:22
Views: 2.2K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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Young Kacey was all of 19 years old in this vid and had been in the biz for only about 3 months--almost "virginal," which for her means that she had fucked only a few dozen dudes at this point and not yet the hundreds and hundreds to come. If you're a fan your cock will be standing at full attention for the duration--and we also see that it's not only her beautiful cunt that draws us in but the shape of her inner thighs too, when they're spread wide open and she's ready to fuck--it's all on beautiful display here. (A few asides: I wonder, was it a man or a woman who invented the Sybian--the man for watching, the woman for using...research is needed! Also, it's funny to see Kacey playing a Donkey Kong video arcade game as the scene opens--that game must've been past its prime already by the the time she was born in 1988...and she is wearing a ridiculously hot little outfit as things begin--this is another must-see!!!)
Kacey Jordan
ALS Scan
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