METARTX - The Luxorious Mask With Lorena B On PORNCOMP
Duration: 8:56
Views: 3.3K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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She may hide her eyes behind a mask, but there's no mistaking this gorgeous woman for any other. Spanish beauty Lorena B is as unique as an uncut diamond. She looks so good in her panties and corset, letting it slip down to expose her fabulous breasts, nipples rising. Climbing onto her bed, the dusky brunette teases, tugging on her panties and rolling onto her hip to show off her perfectly peachy ass. She raises her feet overhead and slides her panties down her calves, kicking them from her feet. Sitting up on her pillows, she spreads her legs open, mask around her throat, and rubs at her shaved pussy, so pretty. Overcome with desire, she rolls over onto her knees, her face pressed into the sheets. One hand slides over the curves of her ass and she drives two fingers deep inside her tight pussy.
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