REALITY KINGS - Playing For Anal With Honey Hayes On PORNCOMP
Duration: 7:59
Views: 4.4K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Perky brunette Honey Hayes is at home bored while her boyfriend, Oliver Flynn, is distracted playing video games. Craving some attention, Honey changes into sexy lingerie and seductively bends down in front of Oliver, showing off her perfect booty which is bedecked with a sparkling butt plug! The raunchy slut challenges Oliver to a game, promising that he can fuck her ass if he wins; however, Honey is more interested in pleasuring herself with the vibrating controller! After feeding his thick cock to Honey, Oliver eases the butt plug out of her juicy hole and gives her an anal pounding on the sofa. In an explosive finish, Oliver celebrates his victory by shooting a huge load, covering Honey’s delectable ass cheeks in his cum!
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Oliver Flynn
Honey Hayes
Reality Kings
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