BRAZZERS - Fucked For The Last Time With Amber Jayne On PORNCOMP
Duration: 8:01
Views: 3.0K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Amber Jayne still isn’t over her ex, Phoenix Marie, who’s moved on with her new man, Danny D. That doesn’t stop Amber from sneaking into Phoenix’s home to spy on her former fling, peeping on her while she fools around with Danny. Amber snoops around Phoenix’s room, sniffing her panties while wishing she could taste her sweet pussy again, until she’s caught red-handed! Amber pleads for one last fuck with the blonde slut, and Phoenix finally agrees to give her what she wants - on her terms! Phoenix dominates her horny ex during some hardcore lesbian sex, handcuffing her and using a vibrator, until Danny walks in on them and is pulled into a wild threesome, filling their pussies with his huge cock until Amber’s mouth is filled with his cum!
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