Cumcovered Fucking With Curvy Teen Keisha Grey
Duration: 8:00
Views: 430K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Keisha may have been a little shy and soft spoken at times, but she didn't stray away from telling us what she loved to do. She loved to rub her clit because that was the spot that got her pussy the wettest. Even though Keisha loved getting her clit excited, huge cocks were what she enjoyed most. After she showed off her righteously curved body, Keisha shook her plump rump. She loosened up some more, as she showed off more, and her tits were out in full force. Then she rubbed her clit, as she showed her off her amazing ass in doggie. Chris crept in to get a closer look. He dove into her ass like it was his last meal. Keisha moaned, as he cleaned her salad bowl. After that her smile got even bigger, as Keisha unwound his man hose from his jeans. She got him nice and hard, so she could take the pounding deep inside her box. Her curvaceous body moved oh so nicely, as Keisha got a good stroking from him. Chris couldn't hold it in forever, so he exploded all over her face.
Keisha Grey
Teens Love Huge Cocks
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