BANGBROS - Two Booties One Big Dick With Kristy Black On PORNCOMP
Duration: 3:11
Views: 1.7K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Kristy Black and Marina May were comparing each other's booties. They were shaking them, oiling them, slapping them. But how much fun are two booties without a big dick? Luckily Yanick Shaft was by coincidence sitting on the sofa right next to them. He spanked those butts. Then the girls started to double bj him. They took turned or licked his prick both at once. Kristy loved anal. So Yanick would fuck her in the ass and Marina in the pussy. The best of both worlds. Marina loved to suck his dick right after he assfucked Kristy. So they fucked and sucked and buggered until Yanick arranged the faces right next to each other and sprayed them both with his cum.
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Kristy Black
Marina Maya
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