Doctor Checks Out Sexy Patient Thoroughly
Duration: 9:34
Views: 148K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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So there I was just checking my notes when I have this hot milf walk on in. I'm mean this slut was hot. She said she'd been in a few months before because she was worried that she might have caught something from her gardener (if you get what I mean...) So I said looked over a few results and told her she's fine, nothing to worry about. Can't hurt to do a check up though. So I get Celine Noiret on her back on the bed, panties off, I start examining her. It doesn't take long before she can tell that I'm more interested in her pussy. Turns out though, she feels the same way! She takes off her top and starts sucking my cock before pulling out her perfect tits. Then she let me fuck her anywhere I want. We fucked everywhere, the bed, the desk, the side of the cupboard. And I caught it all on camera!
Celine Noiret
Fake Hospital
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