Hot Natural Teen Prefers Big Cocks
Duration: 8:00
Views: 527K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Over the phone with her friend, Whitney Westgate was chatting how about she was going to break up with her boyfriend because his dick was too small and not pleasing her. She said she'd met a guy at the gym with a huge bulge in his pants, and she wanted to investigate his trouser snake further. Once he came over, Whitney didn't waste anytime grabbing his cock. He spread her legs out and munched on her sweet pussy. Then Whitney begged to see his cock. She pulled it out and was amazed at how big it was. Whitney immediately began sucking that cock. She was thrilled to get her pussy stuffed by that dick. Her big tits and juicy ass bounced around, as Whitney got her wet pussy pounded from every direction. He finished her off by blasting man juice all over her pretty face.
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Johnny Sins
Whitney Westgate
Teens Love Huge Cocks
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