Duration: 3:11
Views: 5.7K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Evelyn Payne was selling magazine subscriptions. Brickzilla had no idea what to do with a magazine these days. But he invited her in anyway. She offered $100 for a one year subscription. He offered $100 if she would take a look at his dick. What a strange proposal. But intriguing indeed. He swooshed out his monster cock. Evelyn was speechless. It was so big!!! Could she touch it? It was bigger than her arm. It was bigger than her head. Would it fit inside her? First she tried with her mouth. It did not fit at all. So she tried with her throat. That was a little better. But still she couldn't take it all. Finally the pussy test. First she started to fuck him so control how deep it would go. But surprise. It fit. It was faceable. It was actually pretty amazing to ride the biggest dick in the universe. Then he fucked her a lot more and finally he came in her face.
Evelyn Payne
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