BANGBROS - The Horny Tutor On Pornhd With Kay Lovely
Duration: 3:04
Views: 12K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Kay Lovely needed help studying for her upcoming exam. She headed over to her new tutor’s house but she must have gotten the wrong address cause she ended up at Peter Green’s house instead. There, he pretended to be her tutor and asked her to come inside. At the house, he accidentally spilled water all over her shirt making her have to take her shirt off. Her shirt came off revealing her perfect tits. At this point, Kay started to realize that Peter wasn’t her real tutor. So she decided to get help from him in a different way. In order to destress, she asked him to fuck her and he did just that. Kay’s pussy was stretched in several different positions by her fake tutor, making her cum multiple times. Finally it all culminated with a huge load all over her face.
Kay Lovely
Peter Green
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