BANGBROS - Be My Buttplug On PORNCOMP With Abby Somers
Duration: 3:07
Views: 7.7K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Abby Somers was the hot tub playing with herself when her step son Johnny Love came home unexpectedly early. She asked if he would join her but he was much more eager to play video games. She turned around a bend over with a pretext. There was a big pink buttplug in her ass. Johnny got curious. What was that? She promised she would tell him if he would join her in the tub. Johnny was indeed curious. He stripped down to his briefs and jumped into the water. She asked if would be her buttplug. Johnny’s wildest dreams have been surpassed. He played with the buttplug. Pulled it in and out. Out and in. Then he put 2 fingers in her ass, 2 fingers in her pussy. She gave him a bj and they fucked. First in the pussy, still in the hot tub. Then they went inside for anal. Johnny slowly squeezed his big dick into Abby’s ass. Then he started to fuck her for real. Then she was riding him. He fucked her again until he shot his cum all over her face.
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Abby Somers
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