BANGBROS - Sisi's Tight Pussy On PORNCOMP
Duration: 3:00
Views: 11K
Submitted: 1 year ago
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The Bangbus is looking to pick up some pussy in the hood. They help Sisi Pesos stay out of trouble and let her hide in the bus. She's happy to be in the bus because she's about to get dick and money. She's a former stripper so she twerks her ass while they throw money at her. She sucks dick like a savage and even when she looks like she can't take any more cock in her mouth she keeps going. Jovan Jordan try's to play nice with her but she talks too much shit and he pounds her down hardcore with his monster of a cock. She screams as he stretches her pussy out but she's not new to taking dick or money from big cocked strangers. Before she gets kicked off he obviously cums on her face. They ditch her in the street before she can get any of her stuff out the bus.
small tits
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Sisi Pesos
Jovan Jordan
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