BRAZZERS - Cock Out Cookout With Kira & Indica Part 2 On PORNCOMP
Duration: 8:00
Views: 159K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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The fun continues at Kira Noir and Van Wylde's barbecue as one pair of naughty neighbors leave, and new ones arrive. Van tries to put his dick away but Kira puts it all the way down her throat instead. That's when Indica Monroe and her hubby show up with the potato salad. Kira pulls Van's boner back through his apron and greets their guests, convincing them it's a prank dick. Indica can tell a dummy from a real dong and as soon as her hubby is off on a tour with Kira, Indica gives Van a tour of her throat. When it's time to sit down and eat, Kira decides to serve the food while bouncing on Van's dick. Oops! Kira spills ambrosia salad all over Indica's husband, who is not thrilled. Kira offers to show him the bathroom and Indica takes the opportunity to drag Van by his very real and very big dick all the way to the bedroom. Kira sneaks into the bed and adds a slut sandwich to the menu for a tasty threesome with enough pussy for all to eat.
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