BANGBROS - Saving Dancer Sandy Love On PORNCOMP
Duration: 3:08
Views: 1.3K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Sandy Love was on the way to her dance studio when some stranger was harassing her. Luckily the bus was just driving by the and the guys offered her a ride. She felt much safer with the boys. Especially since they were so good at talking and making her compliments. And then they had all this cash. They gave her $100 just for talking to her. Then they offered $500 to see her Chi Chis. Obviously she refused. But when they offered $1000, who could say no to that? She flashed her beautiful titties at them. Danny Steele flashed her back. They offered $100 if she would touch his dick. And the rest is history. She was sucking his dick like there is no tomorrow. Then Danny fucked her while the bus was driving through busy city streets. She was riding him, they were spooning, they did the doggy. Then Danny emptied his sperm into her mouth. They liked her, so they didn't kick her off. They let her off politely.
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Sandy Love
Danny Steele
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