Sexy Mom Sits On Santa's Lap
Duration: 8:00
Views: 54K
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Silvia Saige has just stepped out of the shower and is taking the time to check herself out in the mirror when her husband, Dalton Lee, comes by. He is supposed to go to work with his Santa suit, but he can't resist his bigtit hot wife. Dropping the suit to the ground, Dalton guides Silvia to bed where he goes to town feasting on that creamy pussy. Little do Silvia and Dalton know, but their adopted daughter Nikole Nash, who has had a thing for daddy for a long time, gets an eyeful of their antics and likes what she's seeing. Nikole takes off when she hears her stepbrother coming. Dalton's son Kyle Mason also sees his parents doing the dirty and he uses that opportunity to sneak in and borrow the Santa suit.Later that evening, Kyle sets himself up in the Santa suit in the living room and waits to see what will happen. He doesn't have to wait long before Nikole sees him while she's getting a glass of water. She sees her opportunity to seduce what she thinks is her adopted papa.
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Silvia Saige
Nikole Nash
Moms Teach Sex
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