METARTX - The Stranger Control On PORNCOMP With Paula Shy On PORNCOMP
Duration: 10:58
Views: 805
Submitted: 2 years ago
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Metart X favorite Paula Shy crouches in front of a full-length mirror sensually smoking a cigarette, before descending the stairs of her apartment and stripping naked. The Czech hottie picks up a remote controlled, wearable vibrator. She licks it and rubs it against the nipples of her beautiful, ample breasts, before sliding it inside the front of her panties and gasping open-mouthed as it works its magic. The more turned on she becomes, the more she needs to take things to the next level. She discards the panties, faces away, bends forward, and holds the bulbous body of the vibrator against her labia while double-digit frigging her shaved pussy, hard, fast and deep. As sexual pleasure courses through her body, Paula lies on the floor to continue her finger ride to orgasm.
Paula Shy
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