Taylor Vixen
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 469
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Once upon a time, there was a sweet and charming girl from Texas who wasnt quite sure what she wanted to with her life. Taylor Vixen, as shes known today, had to ask herself where her true talents laid. Examining herself in the mirror, looking for answers, she realized her destiny was staring her right in the face. Did we mention she was naked at the time? With Taylors gorgeous face and fantastic body, it became quite apparent that this smoking-hot mega babe was meant to share her naked body with the world. She has the face of a princess that can go from innocent and sweet to seductive and filthy in the bat of an eyelash. Her tits are big, and we mean double D big¦ and those milk pups are all natural. Her hips curve in and her ass curves outward like they were synchronized skating partners. Shes got a rosy fresh pussy, sometimes with a tiny French garden bush. Taylor loves the ladies, and watching any of her fuck films proves this by the way she slurps and laps at vagina juice. She loves to tongue-fuck a girly butthole, too, which is always great. All the other porno babes are dying to run their noses up and down Taylors clit and get tongue-deep in her tunnel of pink. Taylors done lesbian and solo movies for every major studio. Shes been a Penthouse Pet, a Twistys Treat and a Hustler cover girl, so you know that Miss Vixen has some grade-A jerkoff material to offer.
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