Sybil Stallone

Sybil Stallone


  • Country:
  • City: -
  • Age:
  • Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
  • Weight:
  • Official Site: -

  • 587
  • 12
  • 32
Sybil Stallone is a stunner. She is just incredible. Shell strike you with her beauty upon first glance, and obviously, her college she dated a famous musician and traveled the world with him. He was so famous he had even won a Grammy award. She also became a model at that time. Through all these experiences she learned how to conduct herself in the world. She learned about how to be sexy, how to communicate and most of all: how to get what she wants. She is a smart slut who has a masters degree in marketing and tends to hobnob with movers and shakers because she doesnt kiss and tell. A very practical woman, Sybil sees porn as another way to make sexy friends and promote her brand as a global traveler and sex goddess. She considers herself a ˜Brunette Barbie because she looks like a doll. She likes to work with other ˜Barbies or with people who are plastic positive, as she refers to it. Sybil does not like to dance at clubs. Its not that she doesnt like money”she loves money”but she simply likes to make it in other ways: through making international friends, investing and manifesting her desires by hanging out with those who are on her level. If she could fuck any celebrity, shed fuck Mick Jagger or Angelina Jolie!