Susi Gala
- Country:
- City: Barcelona, ES
- Age: 32
- Height: 5 ft 9 in (175 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 282
- 26
- 0
Spanish babe Susi Gala is a fine young tramp wholl do just about anything to get you off “ from getting her pussy pounded by a slutty lesbian with a strap-on, to dressing up as a superhero and taking Captain Americas cock in all of her tight holes. Shes a rockin brunette with long hair, long legs, and 36D-25-35 measurements. She bought herself a big, bouncy pair of enhanced 36D knockers, and they look amazing on her tiny frame. Susis got a pierced nose and belly button, and tattoos of a flower pattern on her back and forearm. She started out as a cam-girl and crossed over to the good stuff in 2012. Susi Gala is too sweet of a secret to not share with the world, so Evil Angel and a few other American studios have cast her in quite a few of their most perverted flicks. Susis a squirter so dont be surprised when she gushes all over the big dick thats making her cum so hard. When not hard at work, getting her ass filled by giant cock, shes at the gym, or finding a new boy or girl to screw “ she considers sex her #1 hobby. You might even find her on the Barcelona beach, lapping up the sunshine and showing off her fine bikini body, but you can always find her at her best right here on Pornhub.
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